David Jura likes Richard E. Grant. No, David Jura does not know Richard E. Grant personally, though he thanks you for thinking that he is that type of person that would know Richard E. Grant personally. Only very, very lucky people (very lucky people) are ever given an audience with Sir E. Grant. However, you can be an audience member and watch a movie that stars Richard E. Grant. Like perhaps Withnail & I. It isn't even close to being anywhere near as good as being with the real thing. And by thing, I mean person. His person, specifically. What, with his lime-scented cologne, tweed handkerchiefs, and insect-like wit?
But even a facsimile, even one sent through a dirty fax machine, is better than not having a dirty facsimile at all. Always lookin' on the bright side, he is. That is, David Jura is. Existing? Yes. But also looking on the bright side. Always.