Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Hard Boiled

David Jura likes Hard Boiled by Frank Miller & Geof Darrow. What is it about? Who the fuck cares? Do you see these illustrations? They're so awesome that David Jura doesn't care if they cross over into the navigation of this website. 

LOOK AT THAT GUY! That guy is covered in glass and barbed wire. His fingers are broken in about 20 places. But does he care? Is he asking what the story is about? Is he asking if his picture is crossing into the navigation of this webpage? NO! All he cares about it killing the driver who just ran him through a concrete wall into a giant WWF-style orgy cage match. And he does. He kills that driver. No spoiler alert! 

David Jura told you already, the story of Hard Boiled is feather on a hat that spans like a thousand floors and each floor has like another thousand rooms with like another thousand things living in each of the thousand rooms and like each living thing has like a thousand uniquely drawn details. If there was any rationality left in the world then monks would be transcribing each detail of Hard Boiled like a holy illuminated transcript of the will of god!

Put it this way: if Second Life looked like Hard Boiled then David Jura would have paid the stupid monthly fee. But it doesn't and he didn't. But if he did then he would've and then there wouldn't be time for David Jura to write about how much he likes Hard Boiled. So thanks, Second Life, for being super lame and allowing David Jura the time to write these words. 

But thanks more to Hard Boiled for being about the awesomest thing ever made. Hard Boiled is so awesome that it deserves to be called the awesomest thing even though 'awesomest' isn't a word because nothing can be more awesome than awesome except for Hard Boiled (which we have established is the only known thing to be awesomer than awesome). At least, that is what David Jura says, and David Jura knows a thing or two about awesome, awesomer, and awesomest.

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